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Photo of us during the cerimony

The 2021 European CanSat competition is over, the 8 october 2021 the prize cerimony was held (Online in a meeting and livestreamed). During this event we were told some informations about Esa and Esa Education and after that the prizes were announced.

The suspens was immense, jurys president Massimo Bandecchi started anouncing the first prize, the honorary prize.

They started explaining that the prize had been awarded to a team by the jury because they had acieved outstanding results, performances and high scores in 3 of the 4 categories of evaluation:
Scientific value, Technical achievement and Outreach.

The announcement of the winner of this prize started:
“And the award goes to… I can’t read it eheheh to Switzerland”

We won the Honorary Prize!!

The cerimony then preceeded with the announcements of the other prize winners, you can read an article with the summary of the results and the video of the cerimony at this link: Amazing winners of the first-ever virtual European CanSat Competition (EN by ESA)

or you can directly view the video here:

At last but not least I would like to thank everyone that helped us during this project and I would also like to say “Buona Fortuna” to our schools next CanSat team.